So, over the last month and a bit, I have been helping to develop some astronomy apps. The aim of them is to inspire and amaze people, whilst maybe teaching people some things. The amazement comes through the fact that they are virtual reality apps. Using the Google Cardboard headset you can explore our solar system and our universe in virtual reality. The headsets only cost around £10 on Amazon and the apps are free!
The two apps are called Our Solar System VR and Our Universe In Light VR. In Our Solar System VR, you are able to explore and travel around the solar system in virtual reality. You can look around at the planets and our sun, zoom to the planets to get a closer look and even learn some cool facts and information about each one. In our Universe In Light VR you can look at the Universe in different wavelengths of light, from radio to optical to X-Ray. You can also check out some of the fascinating objects we can see in the Universe and learn more about each one.Both apps are completely free and all the information can be in either English or Welsh.
So why not go check out both the apps and buy yourself a Google Cardboard headset whilst you're at it. There' hundreds of other great apps to check out, so why not!
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