So last week I was lucky enough to go to Eisteddfod, a festival in Wales that celebrates welsh culture, language and arts. Now, I'm not the artistic type (and I'm not even Welsh!), but a smaller feature of the festival is celebration of science in Wales. As a budding young scientist who studies in Wales, I ticked this box, which is how I got to go along.
A friend and I were showing off our latest science outreach project, two virtual reality apps that can be run on your phone, that let you explore the Solar System and the Universe! Using Google's Cardboard headset (which costs less than £10!), you can turn most smartphones in to a virtual reality headset.
Everyone loved the apps and were amazed at what they could see. Seeing the planets and sun in our solar system orbiting around in space in front of them drew a lot of "Wow" and "So cool" comments. The fact that we also got the apps translated in Welsh in addition to English meant everyone was really excited about our project. I was amazed to see how friendly people at Eisteddfod were, considering I don't speak a word of Welsh. If you did see us there, thank you very much for coming and talking to us and having a look at our apps.
If you want to check out the apps and get them for yourselves for free, they are called Our Solar System VR and Our Universe In Light VR and are both on the Google Play Store!
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